Dana Point Harbor

$ 50.00 USD

The overview shot of the harbor, Cottons Point in the distance, and the calm mid morning atmosphere help accentuate the curves of the coast. It can be rewarding to explore new points of view of the things we may see everyday and take for granted.

Dana Point Harbor

The overview shot of the harbor, Cottons Point in the distance, and the calm mid morning atmosphere help accentuate the curves of the coast. It can be rewarding to explore new points of view of the things we may see everyday and take for granted.

The coastal city of Newport Beach is rich in history and dynamic in its sights. The coastline, harbor, shops and neighborhoods play between modern elegance and old-school beauty. This juxtaposition gives off an air of nostalgia that I find comforting and full of life.

Dana Point Harbor (mockup is not reflective of actual dimensions available)

High Quality Professional Printing

Your photo will be printed on Premier photo paper, which means your print will last well over 100 years in a typical home display. Printing is done with pigment based inks on archival luster paper. Pigment based inks are high quality inks that resist fading and produce deep, rich color.

Cropping and Matting

Different size paper will crop the image in different ways. We will ensure optimal cropping occurs but results may differ from the examples shown here.

Matting service is not provided at this time.

All images are copyrighted by Alivia Bachman Photography.

US Domestic


Shipping in the US will take 3 to 5 days after printing production.
We charge a flat fee of $10.00 for orders under $100 before tax. Orders over $100.00 ship for free!

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